Bulan: September 2024

Minister misspoke over hints of winter fuel payment changes, say government sources – UK politics live

A thinktank has suggested that the government’s plan to means-test winter fuel payments could push an extra 100,000 pensioners into poverty. In a briefing sent out ahead of the vote tomorrow on removing winter fuel payments from all pensioners apart from those receiving pension credit, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says the government’s policy is likely […]

Minister misspoke over hints of winter fuel payment changes, say government sources – UK politics live

A thinktank has suggested that the government’s plan to means-test winter fuel payments could push an extra 100,000 pensioners into poverty. In a briefing sent out ahead of the vote tomorrow on removing winter fuel payments from all pensioners apart from those receiving pension credit, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says the government’s policy is likely […]

Minister misspoke over hints of winter fuel payment changes, say government sources – UK politics live

Sharon Graham, the Unite general secretary, told the Today programme this morning that Keir Starmer should be “big enough and brave enough” to perform a U-turn on the plan to means-test the winter fuel allowance. She said: We need to make sure that [Starmer] is making the right choices and leadership is about choices. He […]

Minister misspoke over hints of winter fuel payment changes, say government sources – UK politics live

Sharon Graham, the Unite general secretary, told the Today programme this morning that Keir Starmer should be “big enough and brave enough” to perform a U-turn on the plan to means-test the winter fuel allowance. She said: We need to make sure that [Starmer] is making the right choices and leadership is about choices. He […]

Sekarang di Purworejo Harga Gas Elpiji Naik dengan Harga 18 Ribu di Pangkalan

PURWOREJO, purworejo24.com – Harga gas LPG 3 kg atau gas melon mengalami kenaikan, dari yang semula Rp 15.500,- menjadi menjadi Rp 18.000,- per tabung. Harga tersebut berlaku untuk konsumen di tingkat pangkalan. Kenaikan harga ini berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Gubernur Jateng no 540/20 tahun 2024, tertanggal 22 Agustus 2024. Untuk Kabupaten Purworejo, kenaikan harga tersebut mulai […]

Sekarang di Purworejo Harga Gas Elpiji Naik dengan Harga 18 Ribu di Pangkalan

PURWOREJO, purworejo24.com – Harga gas LPG 3 kg atau gas melon mengalami kenaikan, dari yang semula Rp 15.500,- menjadi menjadi Rp 18.000,- per tabung. Harga tersebut berlaku untuk konsumen di tingkat pangkalan. Kenaikan harga ini berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Gubernur Jateng no 540/20 tahun 2024, tertanggal 22 Agustus 2024. Untuk Kabupaten Purworejo, kenaikan harga tersebut mulai […]